Went to watch the movie " 300 " last night with fangsie, jac, max and joe at tiong bahru. Was suppose to watch it at Bishan but due to the high bandwidth traffic online last night,by the time i logged in to the purchasing of tickets, the row the i wanted to buy was already taken up. Grrrr...so had to call everyone again and ask them if tiong bahru was alright cause somehow tiong bahru is always available ..haha Good ole reliable Tiong bahru!
So went to pick up fang jie jie and jac at their place and haha well going to their place was alright, still can remember from the last time i sent fang home but getting to tiong bahru was the problem. haha..sorta got lost along the way and had to call max but we soon found our bearings so yeah!...all's good plus we got there just in time, like around 1210am.The movie was suppose start ard 1215am but theres always 10 mins of advertisement time so alls' good!
i highly recommend this show to everyone! You will love it!!! hahaha..i've been waiting for it to hit the cinemas since i read about in last year! And lets just say is was worth the wait!..The effects, cinematography was excellent! Basically it was a bit exaggerated but thats Hollywood for you, and it was inspired base on a true event! Im sure we've all read or heard about King Leonardis of Spartan would led 300 brave spartan warriors to defend spartan against the Mighty Persians. They were outnumber definitely but their preserverance and superior fighting skills managed to reduce greatly the persain's attack force...but in the end the all 300 perished while fighting...and to them, to die fighting was the greatest and highest honor they could could ever achieve. I'm so gonna get the DVD or watch it again!...I lOVE THIS SHOW!! haha..
theres so many good shows coming out or is already out. I wanna watch " Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle" been a big fan of that since primary school!...must watch " Transformers", Pursuit of happiness, that show starring drew berrymore and Hugh grant, and spiderman 3!!! haha..HARRY POTTER!!! ...yay! he signed on for 2 more sequels!..cant wait cant wait!..
After the movie we went for supper at thompson , i was right..before the show i was teling jac that sure hungry after movie haha..even though jac and i were munching on popcorn literally through out the movie. And must say fangsi is RawTher WEaK at catching cockroaches..hahah C.M.I LAH!! haha..hahah baby one also cant catch..and started freaking out after it sorta landed on her! haha Poor fang, Jac and i were laughing non-stop as she got out of the car and starting brushing herself =)
Chatted for awhile with them while having our prata's haha Jac nearly fooled me on jo and her being neighbours in the incubation room when they were born @ KK hospital..heng im not that gulliable! hahahha.. HAHAHAHHAHAHA...and somehow our conversation ended up with " How the month of May is always the poorest of any of us" haha due to so many ppl's birthday!..
anyway Fangsi drove back and i think jac was quite freaked out haha..but not too bad lah fang!..just need to practice more and your turnings need improvement.Dont do the slowly adjust ure hands..not good..haha =)
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