Seriouslcldnt sleep the whole damn night cause i was so excited bout the competition later on in the day hahahha...dun think i slept that much cause i got up at 1130? hahaha.
met the others in sch for lunch and to talk through our tactics which were all for naught...hahaha..the damn court turned out to be like a quarter of the actual futsal court..hahha like WTF?..all u needed was to take one two steps on the court and just was like free for all hahaha..
Had scores like 10-8 , 15-10 and 8-4 coming up on the score board hahah...
we lost two and won yeah..overall third in our grp so didnt make it for the group play offs...but it was all in good fun..considering that we didnt play previously before hahaha..
The team consisted of Sunny ( Thai) Zhao BIng ( China) Me ( Sin) Ryan (Sin) and Ohm ( Thai)..Gilbert was our solo superstar but due to his uncle passing away over the weekend,he cldnt make it. My sincerest heartfelt condolences bro!.....our mini UN team from hell hahah created to stike fear onto our oppenents..haha but apparently our group was the group of death..the other teams were damn good..had this Iranian guy who is like super Flexible..makes a damn yoga instructor look like a stiff mortiff hahahaa...he was executing low bicycle kicks...volleys...half volleys and all those fancy footwork..
i asked him to join the school team as we needed more people for IVP in jan..and he told me he has a knee like " RIGGGGHHHHHHTTTT" and i have arthritides and i have to use a walking stick...hahhahaha
All in was a great time for everyone..the turn out was huge! yeah..
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