Ben was havimg his early CNY party at his shop on sat so yeah as tired as i was after rugby in the am..i dragged my ass over to his shop hahhaa..which i didnt regret cause there was loads of good foodie!!! hahaha
The best part was he didnt really expect so many ppl to turn up! was pretty crowded at his shop so he made use to the space outside to accomdate the masses that just kept he had loads of wines and alkie as gifts HAHAH so it was like free-flow for us...hahhhaha...
Mom,dad,Char and spencer were already there when i reached ...haha kinda said hi and then rushed over to the buffet spread!!! hha yum..had all sorts of food..fried rice..jap the list goes on and on HAHHAHAa...
Kris, the other hairstylist brought her daughter along and she's the most adorable thing i have ever seen!!! ahaha..i had the honour of being her date for the night hahha but for future dates..i have to ask her mom kris for permission hahhaa...but i kinda have to wait for like another 16 years? before i can date her HAHAHAHHAHA..
but she is really really the adorable thing to walk this earth...lucky kris..
It was really funny as they didnt have any place to wash the plates so that it can be reused so they washed it at the hair washing area.. hahha to which all of us said that we would really think twice if we ever have to wash our hair hahahha..
Honestly speaking, i think being a hairstylist allows you to have the biggest network of people. I met so many different people from different walks of life and in different fields. Of course there were quite a few models and all but they were really nice to talk too. Met a few bankers..traders..and even someone working for the Singapore Symphony Orchestra hahah..
All in all..we all have something in common..BEN..haha cause he cuts our hair..he really should be given a new title.." the Family Hairstylist" cause all the families go to him. In fact its almost the same story with the rest, my mom was the first to try him out then she brought my sis..and my sis brought me and later my dad hahha..everyone had the same story on how they got to know ben haha..
the most commomly heard and asked quesion of the night was " So did Ben cut ure hair too?" hahhah...
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