Well its that time of the year..
everyone has to go back to school..for UK and canada peepz...
Eva decided to hold a gathering @ acid bar..haha since i inducted her to the place last year. She fell in love with the place too =) Niceness!!
It was just another same ole busy day @ work....kinda ended a tad earlier so decided to call eugene and nirmal for dinner @ our fav place. 5 Star Chicken rice @ river valley road....I hate eugene haha cause he lives like bloddy ten mins away from that place hahhaa..bastard! haha..oh well.at least i park at his place most of the time and walk to town. It really does save u a ton on parking!!! and all that shit.... =P
We had the usual, chicken, veg,prawns and tofu..which was really quite a lot judging that only three of us were eating and we all could eat a lot hahah..Kinda STUFFED at the end but contented in the belly.. *grinzs*
Still had time to kill cause eva was only gonna be at acid bar round 9ish so we decided to walk back to eugene's place, i needed to park my car there too since emerald hill was definitely gonna be packed. We decided to check out euegene's condo gym and ended up messing ard hahaha..amazingly, no one got hurt and no property was damaged !! or at least thats what we'd like you to think hahahhahah...
Done with messin ard and mosey overed to acid bar at emerald hill...and yes...i have to agree with joe pee pee..haha im a walking friendster... bumped into quite a few ppl
@ acid bar that night..including jun yi and shirley hahaha.. as well as hazel and a few others.. ITS NOT MY FAULT..its a friday night..people are bound to bump into each other hahha *grinz*..the funny thing was i only realizesd that junyi and shirley were there when i reviewed the pics i took..lo and behold..there they were in the background of the pic of diane,Eva,me and eugene hahah hilarious i tell you..
The music was fantastic and Charlene (singer) and Fatt ( guitarist) brought the house down with rockin hits after hits..everyone was raising their glasses and cheering then on... a Great way to start the weekend after a tough week at work..Nice!!
Wont be seeing eva till end of the year cause she wont be coming down in june...she's gonna go back to sweden with her sis so yeah.. =(...pity that..haha
but we did shit loads of stuff over the last week..met like literally every day during
her last week !!! hahaa went ktving...played pool..god knows what else we did..haha
The crazy nye party that left us stoned...till freakin 7am!!! ...endless supper and crazy crapping @ river valley road..hhaha the uncles literally said to us " you guys again???" after three nights in a row hahaha...GOd ahhaha
Will miss ya eva.... *hugz* till dec!!! hahha
we're gonna party again!!!
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