The HIgh and the Lows aBouT me!!...100%

The HIgh and the Lows aBouT me!!...100%
"Carpe Diem"

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I WANT AN A5 Audi .. *droolllllll*

OMG!!!!! i just saw the newest addition to the already amazing line up of Audi's and like a Macdonald's Ad... " Im LOVING IT!!" its freaking sexyyyyy!!!...
But like all the dream cars that i want to have, the price of this one is reachable but not within the next 4 years hahahha..gawd! it cost like over 200 grand? Daayyyyam..think im really gonna have to start my " Save my audi fund" campaign...donations anyone? *grinz* ...

Pls donate generously..hahahhhah

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